Factors Affecting Price:

The main factors that impact the size and cost of ​projects​ are:

Factor Example
Work/Project type Consulting vs. Development, ML, RL, MLOps, DevOps
Complexity of the requirement Hybrid cloud vs on-premises solutions for executing multi-cloud or full cloud migration.
Impact of the problem Minor process improvements vs. safety-critical
Size of the project Enterprise project vs. small-scale initiative
How We Work:

Our work comprises three dimensions: the type of project, the type of work and the type of contract.

Type Of Common Examples
Project ML, RL, MLOps, AI
Work Development, Consulting
Contract Time & Materials, Fixed Cost, Retainer model
  • Time and Materials

    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      Suitable for projects with in-depth research and development.
    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      Flexible across SDLC phases to accommodate evolving requirements.
    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      Offers flexibility to deliver the most value.
    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      Majority of development projects are structured this way.
    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      Emphasizes agility and scalability, enabling us to adapt seamlessly to changing project dynamics.
  • Fixed Cost

    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      Suitable for well-defined projects with known tasks
    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      Project plan summary is created to estimate costs.
    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      Often used for proof of concept projects.
    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      Includes phasing for flexibility.
  • Retainer-based service model

    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      Clients commit to a fixed monthly fee for a predetermined scope of services.
    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      This approach is ideal for ongoing support and maintenance needs, providing predictable costs and consistent service delivery.
    • icon-black-badge-check icon-black-badge-check
      This offers stability, enabling focused, long-term planning and consistent progress.